Being Solo

Well I’ve made it through my first six months of being single but still poly.

I’ve met a few nice people but really haven’t met anyone who can set my world upon fire.

I spent Christmas with my kids and even sometime with my soon to be ex-wife. She’s having a tough time right now and lost her Grandfather today, which has really hurt her.

I’m just hoping that my life will turn a well needed corner at the start of the new year and maybe lady luck will look kindly upon me.

I have so much to give and share which is why I’m finding it so frustrating right now. I suspect my age isn’t doing me any favours.

I will remain true to myself and what I believe, no matter the cost.

Not in the mood…

I’ve been rather quiet for the last few months as I been settling into a new job and location. I’ve also been mourning the loss of a relationship without really realising it.

I guess that’s what happens when you take tour eye off the ball.

I promised myself that I wouldn’t even consider looking for a potential new relationship until I was sure it was what I wanted, needed or desired.

I’m actually enjoy the extra time I have with my kids and that’s a really big bonus I didn’t expect.

I’m still poly, I’m still open about my feelings and feel no need to hide anything. It’s quite liberating and just what I need right now.



Planning for the future

Planning for the future
Welcome To The Future Green Road Sign with Copy Room Over The Dramatic Clouds and Sky.


I’m having an interesting time right now, I resigned from my current job yesterday and have a new one starting in the middle of November.

One of my romantic relationships has started it’s transition into more of a friendship because I really want to keep that person in my life in some way.

Continue reading “Planning for the future”

Transactional vs Altruistic relationship models

Transactional vs Altruistic relationship models

Polyamorous people tend to think about relationships a lot. I’m no exception, hence the blog. What I want to investigate in this post is the concept of the transactional and altruistic relationship models.

So let’s first define and agree what we mean by the term “transactional relationship” and why it’s an important stage in any relationship.

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Things Change


Hi folks, it’s been a while since I last posted anything and that’s mainly been down to the natural pressures of a busy life.

I’ve survived the last couple of months of crazy, busyness at work.

One of my partners tried a new possible relationship that crashed and burned even before it’s really start, which has caused her no end of emotional pain. My other partner has also had problems in one of her relations, all based on the fact he’d been honest with her about many things.

Continue reading “Things Change”

Naked Attraction…

Naked attraction

It was suggested by one of my partners that I should watch the controversial channel 4 dating show “Naked Attraction” because a particular episode in the new season includes a self  confessed “polyamorus couple”, she also warned be that it might make me slightly angry and she was right.

Continue reading “Naked Attraction…”