Being Solo

Well I’ve made it through my first six months of being single but still poly.

I’ve met a few nice people but really haven’t met anyone who can set my world upon fire.

I spent Christmas with my kids and even sometime with my soon to be ex-wife. She’s having a tough time right now and lost her Grandfather today, which has really hurt her.

I’m just hoping that my life will turn a well needed corner at the start of the new year and maybe lady luck will look kindly upon me.

I have so much to give and share which is why I’m finding it so frustrating right now. I suspect my age isn’t doing me any favours.

I will remain true to myself and what I believe, no matter the cost.

One thought on “Being Solo

  1. Solo polyamory is a form of polyamory where individuals prioritize their independence and autonomy over having a primary partner or nesting partner. Solo polyamorous individuals may have multiple romantic and/or sexual relationships, but they typically do not have a hierarchy of partners.

    Being solo poly can have many benefits, such as the freedom to explore multiple relationships without feeling restricted by a primary partner’s expectations or needs. It can also allow individuals to focus on their personal growth and self-development without being tied down to a specific relationship.


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