Connections – Special fondness


When ever I come across a blog post that I feel really has something to say or makes me think, I add it to a list for reblogging at a later date.

It’s my way of showing my appreciation of all the time and effort invested in writing the piece by its author.

This particular post is simple and very honest about how love can manifest itself.

The subject of feelings and love is probably one of the largest sources of inspiration and the reason why is simple to explain –  because it matters to each and everyone of us.

As humans we have an inbuilt need to make connections with people. This is a reason why I’m poly, I like making those connections and sharing my love with those who choose to care about me.

Please take the time to read this following piece and maybe take a look at some of the authors other pieces, you won’t be disappointed.

“As you’ve loved, you came to see that true love is rarely felt, and when it happens, it can be easily pointed out. Not saying we’re sure of its existence or strength right from the star…”

Source: Special fondness

2 thoughts on “Connections – Special fondness

  1. Carly Simon wrote a beautiful ballad a long time ago, I think it was called “These are the Good Old Days.” And when you’re in love, it’s important to keep this in mind. And, the author of this post notes that it’s difficult to be friends with a woman; well, yeah, if a man is afraid of a woman; but that’s what our culture produces: monogamous misogynists who see women as chattels. And, yes, there are women who operate the same way. All based upon a heavy narcissism (which you mentioned in a previous post). Love does not take, it GIVES.

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